26 APRIL 1902, Page 13

The Queen's Wish. By Joseph Watson. (Hutchinson &Co. 128.6d. net.)—It

was a happy idea to entitle the chronicle of the Imperial cruise The Queen's Wish. This great achievement took place at a critical period in the history of the Empire, and Mr. Watson is never tired of recording the enthusiasm and the feeling which prompted the magnificent and continuous welcome extended to the Heir to the Throne. In some four hundred pages he has been able to do ample justice to all the features of the tour, and to leave no significant incident untouched. It is all very skilfully and tactfully managed, and though it makes a long story it does not seem long to us in the telling. Where so much and so many things are mentioned, it has been difficult doubtless to bring into prominence such features as particularly impressed the travellers, but the reader can do this for himself, and we can commend heartily this thorough and descriptive record of a truly Imperial circumnavigation of the globe. The photographs are most interesting.