The Russian Government appears to have made up its mind
that any concessions to rioters would be dangerous. The Czar has selected M. Plehve as Minister of the Interior because of his reputation for ability and hardness, and the Minister of Education, 3f. Vannovsky, has been told to go, nominally because the Czar disapproved his scheme for secondary education, really because he is too little of an ob- scurantist, At the same time the Russian method of con- scription is being strictly applied in Finland, and when the unhappy Finlanders resist, the Cossacks are let loose on them with their whips, the first result being an enormous increase of emigration. It is stated that Nihilism has revived on a formidable scale, and that papers have been discovered showing a design to make away with the entire Ministry. There is always exaggeration in accounts of this kind from Russia, but it seems clear that the Government is anxious for secrecy as to the rioters' plans, for the student who shot M. Sipiaguine, though not a soldier, is to be tried by Court. Martial.