A matter which haseaused an immense amount of public dis-
cussion during the week has been the announcement that the ehief companies engaged in what may be called the Atlantic ferry brisineas have been c..embilaed In argigantic Trust u.nder the auspices of Mr. Pierpont 'Morgan. The lines which are said to he entered the combination are the White Star Line, the Dominion Line, the Leyland Line, the Atlantic Transport Line, the American Line, the Red Star Line, and the Holland-America Line. This leaves out only the Cunasd
and Allan Lines. At the same time, the North German and Hamburg-American Lines will enter into an agreement with the Trust as regards rates. The capital of the Trust, it is alleged, will be some £'34,000,000. The steamers are at present to retain the flags under which they now sail, and the companies will remain as separate entities. Them will, however, be common rates for passengers and goods, and there will be central- direction and control. In other words, the policy and the profits will be pooled. It, is believed that in this way a great saving will be effected, and further competition and rate- cutting avoided. It is said that the Cunard Company will remain outside the combination, but will assent to the rates settled by the Trust.