A large meeting was held at Birmingham on Tuesday to
con- demn the recent action of the Lords. It was condemned, and delegates from all the great cities are to meet and condemn it still further, but the movement strikes us as half-hearted. The speakers do not seem to know what they want, and with the exception of Alderman Carter, who would simply abolish the House, and remove the disfranchisement of the Peers, no speaker gave a hint of an acceptable plan. The truth seems to be the Liberals have not thought the matter out, and unless some of their leaders move will do nothing, and that will not happen until the divergence between the two Houses has rendered government impossible. It is the statesmen, not the people, who will ultimately pull down the House of Lords, as an institution incompatible with strong and orderly administration. There is more danger to the Lords in one Marquis of Salisbury than in a roomful of Alderman Carters.