26 AUGUST 1871, page 1

News Of The Week.

W E have been badly beaten in East Surrey. It is justpossible that the anger of the publicans, who have determined, if we may judge from the tone of their organ, to turn out the......

Nothing Has Yet Been Finally Determined As To The...

of M. Thiers' powers. According to the latest accounts, however, he insists on the title of President of the Republic, in order that he may be in a position to negotiate with......

Parliament Was Prorogued On The 21st Inst., The Queen's...

being read, and very badly read, by the Lord Chancellor. The document is lengthy, and by no means unusually cheerful. Her Majesty congratulates the country on the Washington......

The Alabama Treaty Is Bearing Fruit For The United States.

Their bonds, freed from the risk of a quarrel with Great Britain, are rising to their natural level. Mr. Boutwell has this week asked £15,000,000 in Europe, at 5 per cent, and......

Just Before The Prorogation, Indeed While Black Rod Was...

to give his historic three taps, Mr. Cardwell read to the House of Commons a letter from Sir Roundell Palmer denying that he objected to the issue of the Royal Warrant. He had......

* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In

any case.......

This Also Is M. Gambetta's View, And He Has Therefore

brought forward a definite proposal for the dissolution of the Assembly, on a day to be fixed in Committee. In the preamble to the Bill, he states that the National Assembly,......