26 AUGUST 1871, page 22

The Alpha : A Revelation, Put No Mystery. By Edward

N. Dennys. E'ourth Edition. (3. Burns.)—We commonly do nothing morn than record the appearance of "fourth editions." But the volumo before us must not be so treated. It contains......

Versieuli Aliquot Latini. By William Almaok....

volume of pleasing and graceful verses, never rising into great excellence, but written with care and considerable skill. We give as a specimen of Mr. Almaok's powers a version......

Jfy Heroine. (tinsloy.)—" I Have Never Seen Such An...

of purity and innocence as Geraldine St. Vincent," says the author, Geraldine St. Vincent being "My Heroine." Wo fool quite certain that if she was, she had not studied such......