On The Uses Of Biography. By .1. B. Brown. (lengmans.)—this
is a 'mature delivered before a society which calla itself "The Bromley Friends in Coattail," and is a favourable specimen of its kind, putting the points of the argument......
Versieuli Aliquot Latini. By William Almaok....
volume of pleasing and graceful verses, never rising into great excellence, but written with care and considerable skill. We give as a specimen of Mr. Almaok's powers a version......
IN Icrue, Mr. Trench has presented us with a story which, for sustained interest and graceful writing, would in itself suffice to procure a welcome for future productions of his......
Current Literature.
Folk Farina. By Ouida. (Chapman and Hall.)—We do not like Guide's books, with their pictures of profligate life, imitations of Guy Livingstone, and perpetual analysis of sexual......
Harry Disney : An Autobiography. Edited By Atholl De Walden.
3 vole. (Tinsley.)—The author deserves some credit for his ingenuity in putting this " autobiography " in the mouth of a monk of La Trappe. We shudder indeed to think of the......