In response to an invitation from the Kensington Branch of
the Centre Party Union and Middle Classes Defence Organ- ization, Lord Robert Cecil has expressed his readiness, in the event of a vacancy occurring in South Kensington, to stand as an independent Conservative candidate on a national pro- gramme. In his letter Lord Robert Cecil states his opinion that it is the first duty of every patriotic citizen to restore the Constitution and renovate the House of Commons. We are glad to note, as an indication of Unionist concentration, that a number of Unionist members, most of them pronounced Tariff Reformers, including Sir Robert Finlay, Sir William Anson, Sir Edward Carson, Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, Lord Ronaldshay, Lord Castlereagh, Mr. Amery, Mr. George Wyndham, and Mr. F. E. Smith, lately expressed their earnest hope that a seat would soon be found for Lord Robert CeciL