Lynch Law And Christianity.
[TO THE EDITOR 01 THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—I have read with a great deal of interest your timely editorials touching the vital points of our civilization, and I beg to say that I......
A Crux In Tennyson.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] In Memoriam, xxvi., v. 3. "Oh, if indeed that eye foresee, Or see (in Him is no before) In more of life true life no more And Love the......
Weights And Measures.
[To THE EDITOR or THU "SPECTATOR.n Six,—Your correspondent "D. M." (Spectator, August 5th), speaking of scales, decimal or other, takes occasion to remark that certain......
Numbers Seven And Twenty-two.
[To TER EDITOR 05 THE " SPRCTATOR." J SIR,—Will you kindly allow me space in your columns for a few words on the early use of the numbers 7 and 22 ? The use of 7 and 22 in the......