We Have Received A New Edition (the 76th) Of Low's
Handbook to the Charities of London. (Charles II. Sell. ls.)—One hardly likes to make any kind of selection where so many admirable in- stitutions are in question ; but the......
We Mention Together Two Books Which The Collector Will Find
of very great utility. Both are published by the Sheffield Assay Office. The first is Old Silver Platers and their Marks (4s. 6d. net).—This has to do with what is known as "......
The Suk : Their Language And Folk-lore. By Mervyn W.
H. Beach. (The Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d. net.)—Here we have another example of the useful work that is being done in.far-away regions of the Empire. Mr. Beach was District......
We Have Received The First Volume Of A Projected Series
of "Country Churches" (George Allen and Sons. 2s. 6d. net per vol.) This is the Isle of Wight : its Churches and Religious Houses, by J. Charles Cox, LL.D. Thirty-seven in all......