Professor A. V. Dicey Contributes To The Times Of Monday
the first of a series of letters on the effects of the Parliament Bill. In his first letter he points out that henceforth it will be virtually impossible to swamp the House of......
Mr. Austen Chamberlain Has Written An Admirable Letter To A
correspondent, who described the existence of dissatisfaction within the Unionist Party at the policy of those Unionists who prevented the creation of peers. Some of the......
In Response To An Invitation From The Kensington Branch Of
the Centre Party Union and Middle Classes Defence Organ- ization, Lord Robert Cecil has expressed his readiness, in the event of a vacancy occurring in South Kensington, to......
On Thursday Dr. Manuel Arriaga Was Elected President Of The
Portuguese Republic. He was proposed by the Opposition Block of Moderates and was returned by 121 votes against 86 cast for Dr. Machado, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Dr.......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 3t Per Cent.
Mar. 9th. Consols (21) were on Friday 781—Friday week 781.......
We Regret To Record The Death Of Dr. Guinness Rogers,
the well-known Congregationalist minister, which took place in his eighty-third year last Sunday. After ministries in Northum- berland and Lancashire be became pastor of the......
The Franco-german Conversations About Morocco Are At A...
important discussions have taken place in Paris, and it is believed that a definite proposal will be agreed upon by the French Cabinet, and will be presented by the French......
On Monday Leonardo's Mona Lisa, Commonly Known In France As
la Joconde—one of the half-dozen most famous pictures in the world—was stolen from the Louvre. On Mondays the Louvre is cleaned and is closed to the public, but so many persons......
Lord James Of Hereford, Who Died Of Heart Failure At
Epsom in his eighty-third year, had won distinction as an advocate and subsequently as a law officer in two Liberal administra- tions before the crisis of his career was reached......