26 DECEMBER 1840, Page 10


Some fighting devil seems to have been let loose upon the world at this proper season of the advent of " peace on earth and good-will to men." France and England have scarcely ceased to confront each other with threats of hostilities, which the experience of the Revolu- tion war rendered probable would be no mock struggle ; and already the puny powers of Spain and Portugal are assuming a martial attitude. The Spanish Government has intimated to the Portuguese Government, that the Douro navigation convention must be carried into effect within the term prescribed, or that fifty thousand Spanish troops will immediately enter Portugal. This is rather sharp practice, seeing that the new Portuguese Ministry cannot well act before the meeting of the Cortes, and that the Spanish Government has allowed the business to rest for five years without taking any steps towards a settlement. On the other hand, the Portuguese Government attempts to evade giving effect to a convention framed upon these equitable principles which, since the treaty of Vienna, have been recognized as the international law of Europe with regard to the navigation of rivers flowing through the territories of several states. It is stated by a correspondent of the Morning Chronicle, that " The Portuguese Government has, it is understood, applied to England for help, and has placed itself entirely in our hands, agreeing to abide by our mediation in the matter." The question is in no way doubtful; and this reference might, under ordinary circumstances, preclude any serious apprehension of war. But it is clear that there is at present a general restless, quarrelsome spirit abroad in Europe ; and the sudden peremptory energy of the new Government of Spain looks very like a wish to find employ- ment for sonic restless Spanish tempers on the outside of the fron- tier. Nor are we altogether at our ease as to the methods which British diplomacy, flushed with its Syrian successes, nay be inclined to adopt for bringing the dispute to a termination.

Lastly, while our Government is settling the affairs of Turkey, Spain, and Portugal, who is to attend to our own business?