The News From The Continent This Week Is Far From
satisfactory. In France, the feeling of animosity to England is again rampant. NAreeasnes, funeral, the •dtenenstrations of the people and of the National Guard on the occasion,......
News Of The Week.
THE electioneering movements now going on in different parts of the country, imply a pretty general expectation of an approaching dissolution of Parliament. Some of the......
21r. O'conner.r. Has Again Conic Forth To Agitate, But With
the change of tone that has usually been noted on his descent from the mountains a little before the session of Parliament opens. " Repeal" is kept up as a word, but not with......
The Ulster Association, Supported By The Constitutional...
the North of Ireland in opposition to the Repealers, has - had its second special meeting, under the presidency of Lord CHARLENIONT. This society owes its origin to Lord......
The Peninsula Has Added Its Quota To The General Embroilment
The question of the navigation of the Douro has furnished Spain with an occasion of quarrel oith Portugal; which she has seized with avidity, and with little regard to the......