26 DECEMBER 1840, page 13
Satan In Love: Dedicated, By Permission, To Prince Albert.
" THE object t of this drama," says the writer, " is to carry out the principle, awl nothiv rellicle God has made eau be 11 , , , ,ned r,pro- bate,* or he (Melly and eternally......
Cooper ' S Mercedes Of Castile.
MEncnnEs of Castile is a noble Spanish lady, a favourite of Queen Isabella, and attached to Don Luis de Bobadilla. Of a buoyant nature, and whilst jealous and doubtful of his......
Im‘gavley's Lectures On Natural P/iilosoptiy.
"Tian great inconvenience," says the author in his preface, " ex- perienced by the teachers of the National Schools from the want of a treatise on Natural Philo osohy suited to......