" It Would Be A Subject Not Without Matter For
useful instruction, however melancholy might be the contemplation of human absurdity, to compare the various outbreaks of European folly on the tields of Palestine at different......
Captain Basil. Hall's Patchwork.
THIS work is a series of miscellaneous papers, sometimes upon single topics, sometimes forming a continuous series. In their general character they resemble the better portions......
Origines Hibernicie.
SOME erudite antiquarians trace the Irish to a Punic origin : that grave philosopher Tom BROWN the Younger inclines to the opinion that they are Egyptians.* Their theory of......
Spectator's Library.
MISCELLANFOUS LITERATI:7M, ratell wurk. Ily Captain Basil !fall, R.N., P.R.S. In 3 vole ilfoxon. Fmrms. Mercedes of Castile ; a Romance of the Days of Columbus. Ily J. Fenimore......