ratell wurk. Ily Captain Basil !fall, R.N., P.R.S. In 3 vole ilfoxon. Fmrms.
Mercedes of Castile ; a Romance of the Days of Columbus. Ily J. Fenimore Coopet, Esq., Author of •"flie Pilot,'"' The Spy," &c. &v. &v. lit if vols.
Bentley. PIATRY,
Satin in Love ; a Dramatic P, cm. Hy Mrs. Harriet Downing, Author of Remem- brances of a Monthly Norse," " Bride of Sicily," tke. Dedicated. by per- mission, to his Royal Ilighttess Prince Albert Bed. MATIlEmATIcia, SCIF.NCE.
Lectures on Natural Philosophy. By the Reverend James William M'Cauley, Pro- fessor of:Natural Fhilueopl ty to the National Board of Edueati 11.. Clare, jegn. and Co.