Vibe _Metropolis.
The election of Common Councilmen commenced on Monday, in the different wards in the City, and ended on Wednesday. In most in- stances the old members were returned. Contests took place in several of the wards, which bore a political character, and were warmly con- ducted. In Coleman Street ward, two additional Councilmen were elected, owing to the late municipal changes : two Conservative and two Radical candidates contended for the honour, and the two fernier were returned by large majorities. In the ward of Farringdon-With- out, the contest was very close : the polling ended on Wednesday, but a scrutiny was demanded, and is likely to continue some time. Mean- while, this ward, which returns sixteen members, is without representa- tives in the Common Council, as Sir James Duke refused to swear in any until the result of the scrutiny be known.
An Anti-Corn-law meeting was held at Greenwich on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of forming an auxiliary society in aid of the Metropolitan Association. Colonel Peyronnet Thompson presided.
Resolutions for carrying into effect the of of the meeting were voted. One gentleman proposed an amendment to one of the resolu- tions, but he could not find a seconder.