The fortificatiene of Paris occupy the French journals id" nil
shadee. The ..1.-etioaa/ of 'Weill:cell:I approves of the "etiechite conthatie. • ' • , . Willie the (`‘ aimenw is furious in its ho ulin to schemes or plees of fortification : in the same way. the .7),7,,ata eccommenile the ad, !;ion • -1 ,e" of "enceinte contitnii",e," ;Ind Le _Prose it,..elaree itself at warinty ,, the CononerM against every srecies of fortificetion. The .:\rat.;,,,:,1 Counts for the objections of the L'i•naiiertr by the hotowa di-vie:on to Russia of that journal ; read '6 Russia knows well," says the "that the fortifj ing of Paris WIlold be a deathblow to the Ii is of those Ittreigners who speculate on again arriving Os conquerers its the capital."
The Chamber of Deputies met on Saturday in its Stm(Iiag Com- mittees to examine the project of law rebut% e to the ferila,. f Paris, presented by 3larshal Saint a few days bilbre. The es:peel:21,1:Y of fortifying the capital was contested by only a few inc:::, -was only on the system to be adopted that any ; recommending a lice of detached forts, weeds., others 1102 .'- once to the plan of Napoleon, which tee:sit:Led in as is ,i:tterrnl,teil Iii e of ramparts. The Ministers, during this iliecussion, eibetaiel to remeia MI the defensive, and when called upon t.t make' kmeae opie.ion. returned evasive answers, and vehemently declared the tat.; in; eattons of the Government. 'rile Opposition sue-s:cited in apeotaimg hi e Commissioners out of the nine; and there was little doul'i tli, elan re- commended by M. Thiene—namely, a rampart mai a rued ee.ef :„1- vauced forls.--would be ultimately adopted. The 3,liaistr■ hay wg nuanced the ioteution of beginning by constructing eleven aad leaving the eircumvallation-wall to the last, it was thou ale iluit the ma- jority of the Committee would require that the stall should be completed before the works of the torts Were eveu continence.% The Chamber of Deputies, ou Monday, TIWNI:;ly, att.', Wednesday, were engaged with discussions on the Factory Bill, which is resumed from last session. The object of the bill now before the Chamber in to protect children against built limiters and parents, where there is an absence of proper feeling el Loth 1 ; and also to pr,,teet parents who love thspr offspring from being compelled by hard taskmasters to allow their children to work beyond their fair strength, as a teuuntiou of their icing themselves employed in factories. Another great object of the bill is to make education iu all the manufacturing districts indispensable as a means of employment. Children are not to be employed under a certain age ; nor can they be received at ell without certificates of their having received a certain degree of education ; and musters are to be compelled to set aside a certain period of the day in order that the children whom they employ may receive moral instruction, and an education fitted at least to their position in society.
The choice of M. Thiers to in- tllo Chairman of the Committee on
the demand of Ministers for 1-tooam.: fra.les for the first expenses of these works, which took place on Tueeley, seems likely to defeat the views of the Court ; come:lila:eat the erection of detached forts, "not as the best of defene tae 1;;;., sitioa, "nor as any defence
at all, but as a means of Leiping Jew:. Parieians."
We understand that the l'ren, a Gov.:111111,211i has been informed by the A inliasseilors of Ruseie, Ausaia, and Prussia, that their Courts join that of St. adlierieg to the arraitgenient made by Commodore Napier with 3Iehemet A The editor of the ..7Coari hat A rd,iinri has been proceeded against by the Law Wieers of the Crown for an article entitled " Louis Phi- lippe, par In grace des Etrateeers, Itoi de France." The responsible editor of the Ebeiaeii,,th. o, of T‘eahoi,,c, Leen condemned by default to two. years' imprisomnent and taima0 francs fine, for a libel against the Queen Christina of Spain passed through Va'.ence, on her way to Italy, on the 14th instant..
A gra,!d dinnor was gi yeti be Marshal Sault on Thursday, in honour of the translation of the moetel reeedne of the Emperor. All the Princes of the- Royal Fani1;y, is,-Ters, and the members of the Commission of St. 1 lekna
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