Letters from Lisbon of the 1 1 th instant represent
the Portuguese Government as preparing for very energetic measures, to enforce against Spain its views as to the navigation of the Douro. On the 13th, a Council of State was held, and it prolonged its sitting to a late hour. The determination was, to resist the demands of Spain, without waiting for the meeting of the Cortes. Royal decrees were immediately issued suspending the habeas empus and the inviolability of private dwellings; ordering all persons holding official situations, and fit for military ser- vice, on pain of dismissal, to inlist within three days, in two battalions of national volunteers; ordering the municipal authorities to impress young men between eighteen and twenty-five years of age, and recall- ing all officers and soldiers absent on furlough ; and offering a free pardon to all deserters who voluntarily return to their ranks. Besides these warlike preparations, orders were sent to the royal dock- yard in Lisbon to fit out four ships of war, (frigates and sloops,) which, in the event of an actual rupture, are to be sent to blockade Cadiz and Malaga. The Diario do Governo of the 14th contains a royal order directing the Commander attic Engineer corps to put the fortifications of Lisbon and Oporto in a state of complete defence without loss of time; also another order for the formation of national battalions throughout the country, in which all men between the ages of eighteen and forty are obliged to inlist. It was said that the King Consort was going to Elvas to inspect the fortifications. Seidler Sa da Bandeira was ap- pointed to command the fortress at Braganca, which is likely to be the post of honour, as the Spaidards threaten to enter Portugal by the Northern province of Tras os Moines. The Queen bad given two hun- dred /lf her horses and mules for the sarvice of the artillery. The Go- vernment calculate that the levies will amount to 50,000 men ; most of whom, having served hetbre in the National Guards, are ready drilled.