26 DECEMBER 1840, Page 8



On the 20th the Lady of J. Muses GasKst.r,, Esq., 51.P, of a son, still-horn.

Ott the 17th lust.. the Lady of 5Lerrucw DAVtES, E•q., of Tawy•bwieli, Cardigan. glare, of a son and heir.

Ou the 18th inst., at Veil House, Mitherne Port, the Lady dr Sir WILLIAM MEIH.v.cOTT. part., of it time:leer. Ott the 19th last,. at the banal,. Febdiastom Mrs. WBATE.EV, of a daughter.

Ott the 181h inst., at the Royal 'Mir:nary, Greenwich, the Wife of JAMES Sys, r, sur- geon, her Maio:ty s ship Southampton. of a son. On C.,0 Nth imt., at the rosi :ette,•, James's Chapel, Dumpstead Ruud, the Lady of the liev. Dr. Srr test,. 1/... a itintliter.

On the !";ti i ito the Wite of the Res . CI sortOF. EVERARD, Curate of Christ Chinch, Ctiy, or Oo the 2 Ith lust., the Wife of the Rev. WILLIANI PtMLEN, Upper Seymour Street West, of a son.

Ou the 2,1th inst , at Green Bank. m et. Chester. Mts. WAIT, of a Km.

On the 9t't in-t.. at Cr shy. the Woe of Mr. lhienAR, Die:six:sots, of two daughters and a sou. woe,, with the alither, are doing. welt.

On lime 10.1i !tear (esestry, t1,e Will of R. WitAec.tr,;, a pal-

rihatid.weavem, of three tha• git Is, it no were hal ti,toil by the names of atitl Charity.

On the 17th in .1 Ilieilett. in Wiatte.iteistitr.% so ALFRED STRHIMANO, Rector of iti sshi t. t I AN.1.: CA-rocact.r. iletat;- Castk- taco o t!..• Co tot} ..r 0,, the , nt 1. .1101to•ti, U' CHARLES TOMIN, third s:4; ei Ma .,or Gem 1.11 tin' 1 loa. East India l'etilfraty's Service, to Mt!ty, youngest -I' or the [ter. tie, Chat li• \1-m 't: l'halrerig, Chi tl,e 19th to t., at All :..tite.. W.t.: 11 mu, .letiv Esq., eldest son of Sir J.•1111 111,0 Ear., 01 [111.011, Et..•es. t' .tun kstlAti J.aae, yonlwest clan:Otter of thelate .1-1A, t'aistsirs. of Stratt'..,t Green, and W. wileir.1,

On the Lill ttt StoeL (Itt laid, !torsos, the Bea,

A.11., I to•ww ow Cries, 4%41w :stone, merset, to ANNA .N1AR11. 01:1Y

thtilgliter r., tl,e late t'l•arthAi M I).

011 the i at th, C'Ititreli or Ili, 11,,:y Trinity. Exeter, the Bev. ALI:NAN:TM FRI:DEW, :111-1G, ALE, r1.1 10W of 7l icily COIII•ge, utf,risige, awl 11:.0 a,f the Assistant

51astets or It's,ib■ sells, _I, to Jel,!AN.■ daughter of the late lIeur-Athairtd

F. 0. 11 1111.

011 the it) t , tit St. Mary's, 11eadloa, the Rev. .71,11N WA I,Tea Monte, Rector of Hord ley, , Salop. to Ea t• ess MA:WAN:la 'i vas, second daughter of the Bev S. Wild- man Bata:,. Vicar o1 St. iteatteai. At Brussels, Cali xVmt.sms, tit t!.• General Staffor Belgium. la CATHEIttNE, eldest daughter of the lute Copt tin Clabon, her 1...esty's Fitty•ei4lah Regiment.

II 1:.11.118•

On the 21th it st., at VeLtuor, t.; of a rapid decline, JOHN Posits, lisq., eldest son tr: Sir Charles Fed es. Bart., in hi • -.-•:)111 yettr• 011 the 7t11 ml Get.dter, at Mt.ow, iu the Maiw a country, Captain Jots: S.-IIANIC GRANT, or the East bolts Cotopany•s Rontiety Lutgi..ects. in iti, lilt y•ar. On the !Sib of Ucnther, at Bombay. Citatmts Elltl'ARI, S-rainier, Esq., 1:1' time 11011. East India Company's Civil Serous, eldest sit of Jolla Stewart, of Belladnita, Inver.es -shoe.

Oa the tr,th lust,. at Eltlynn, Ft, ;tt, the Rev. J. K. SHAW Rayons, fifiy.se,'en Years Vicar cf that pnish, it. his 82.1■Icur.

Captain Wu.t.tAm II F.wia-r, R.N., in his .1.7thvear, eommanding lier 111;(esty's ship Fairy, it haell rt.tatell 1111111 trWleh trim the inte ol Neeember, mut is suppusen to

Lave lass, lu t tit the Ncrth Sea Maio _t tit, dat,taultal. gale which occurred shortly niter. To his XX itlow his los.s is irrepaiable : he has let't her it jilt eight young children. 'ro add to her stigeriags, her las Cher, Mr. STEVENS, the Muster, :I111.1 eldest sun, Mr. Wit.. r•snst Ilswerr, Miushipulau, were on Loumr i, and perished at the 5,111110 time. On the rah inst., at his residence in the Castle, at Windsor, Captain STRANGE, one of the Military Knights, io his 82d year. Out the 23rd instant., Licutenatst.Geneml Sir WtrzrAm IlEstar PRINGLE, G. C. B., Colonel of the 45th Regiment, at his house in Stratford Place, in his 70th year. On the 21st inst., at Bath, Laity SMYTH, WidOW of the late Sir Hugh Smyth, Bart. On the 30th ult., Mr. J. J. Ltrraow, the celebrated Astronemer and Director of the Observatory at Vicuna, of an attack of gout, in his 60th year. On the 19th inst., at her residence, uverseal, Leicestershire, Miss ELIZAIIETH Persson, in her 83,1 year. On the 20th tilt., at Leeds, Mr. UPWARD SIMMONS, in his 105th year. He served' twenty two years in the Twenty•flftli Regiment of Foot, and was an out•pensioner of - Chelsea Hospital since the year 1792, his age being then stated at 57 yea's. Also, in live days afterwards, it, her 90th year, ANN, Wife of the above. They had been married sixty-tive years, and their united ages amounted to 195 years.