It has been decided that the Queen shall not lie
in state in London, but that she shall be buried at Windsor on Satur- day, February 2nd. On Friday, February 1st, the body will be removed from Osborne to Windsor. The funeral will be military, in accordance with the Queen's own desire. We are glad that there will be no lying in state in London or Windsor, and that the funeral will be a military one, as that will, we presume, secure its being of a simple, and so of a befitting, character. The suddenness of recent events has greatly affected the public mind. When our last issue went to press the country had no notion of the Queen's peril. Yet writing on the following Friday we have to record that the Queen is dead and the Victorian age closed, that King Edward VII. has succeeded and has been proclaimed, and that a new reign has begun. The week that closes to-day must always be one of the landmarks of English history.