26 JANUARY 1901, page 12

In The King's Marshes At Orford Ness.

W HEN Henry Plantagenet had good reason to think that the Count of Flanders would land in Suffolk with an armada, while he himself was on commando in France, he hurried on the......

Letters To The Editor.

LINKS WITH THE PAST. (To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Srn,—I am one of those who remember old Lady Aldborough and her jokes. She was a very pretty old person, and went, when......

(to Tii1 Editor Of Tim "sproutoill Sir, — Many Years Ago,...

paying one among many visits to Monsieur Guizot at Val Richer, his country house in Normandy, the conversation turned upon "links with the past," and he related to us the......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]

Sfit,—Before bidding farewell to Lady Aldborough I am tempted to give an extract from the late Lord StanhOpe's Conversations with the Duke of Wellington." The Dtzke said that- "......