26 JANUARY 1901, page 41

Mr. Baird's Life Of Beza.

Theodore Bc'ea, the Counsellor of the French Reformation, 1519 - 1605. By Henry Martyn Baird. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 6s) —Mr. Baird contributes a Life of Bezs, to the "Heroes of......

Thomas Sydenham.

Thomas Sydenham. By Joseph Frank Payne, M.D. (T. Fisher Unwin. 3s. 6d.)—Bacon once defined knowledge as "a rich Storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's......

Converse Than Taverns Or Hotels ; And Certainly, Except...

the huge modern cosmopolitan caravanserai has been introduced with its stereotyped cookery and accommodation, nothing is more characteristic of a country than its inns. Miss......

Zeal Without Knowledge.

Essays in Illustration of the Action of Astral Gravitation in Natural Phenomena. By William Leighton Jordan. (Longmans and Co. 9s.)—Mr. Jordan's book is too curious an example......