26 JANUARY 1901, page 45

Vagabunditli Libelli.

street songs of Scotland ; our only complaint is that he does not keep near enough to his original purpose. He has included mans ballads, such as the "Bonny House o' Airlie "......

In Praise Of Folly.

Desiderius Erasmus : In Praise of Folly. With Illustrations after Hans Holbein and a Portrait. Together with "A Life of Erasmus" and his "Epistle, Addressed to Sir Thomas More."......

Bishop Butler.

The Works of Bishop Butler. Edited by the Rev. J. H. Bernard. 2 vols. (Macmillan and Co. 7s. 6d. net per vol.)—The first of the two volumes contains the Sermons, Charges,......

Edinburgh Rectorial Addresses.

Rectorial Addresses Delivered at Edinburgh. With an Introduc- tion by Archibald Stodart-Walker, M.B. (Grant Richards. 7s. 6d.)—The Lord Rectorship, as it exists at present, was......

The Middle Ages Revisited.

The Middle Ages Revisited. By Alex. Del Mar. (The Cam- bridge Encyclopedia Company, New York. 3 dols.)—This is one of those treatises the elaborate character of which is some-......

The Morals Of Suicide. . - - The Morals Of

Suicide. By Rev. J. Gainhill, :(Longemas and Co. 6s.)—This is an earnest and useful book. It is- written avowedly . . from the standpoint of the Christian Socialist,." to whom......