[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In explanation of Sir
Francis Macnaghten's statement, "My father led his troop at the battle of the Boyne," my father, who often heard him say this, told us that the tenant yeomen of the grandfather's estate caught up the boy Edmond, who was then only ten years old, and made him ride across the river on the horse of the foremost trooper. I should like to add, as another link with the past," that I myself knew a Mrs. Renwick- in Moville, Co. Donegal, who in 1890 lamented that her doctor refused to allow her to go into Londonderry for the bicentenary celebration of the Relief. She said it would have been worth dying for, as she had been held up when a baby at the window to see the centenary celebration pass.-1 am, Sir, &c., T. L. S.