26 JANUARY 1901, Page 24
NEW EDITIONS.—In the "New Century Library" Sir W Scott's Guy
Mannering (T. Nelson and Sons, 2s.)—Sermons on the Books of the Bible, by the late F. J. A. Hort, D.D. (Macmillan and Co., 3s. 6d.), reprinted from the volume of "Village Sermons." Dr. Hort took an infinitude of pains with his sermons. We are glad to see that they are found so useful that this reprint is called for.—The Ascent of Christ, by E. Griffith Jones, B.A. (Hodder and Stoughton, 3s. 6d.), a volume which we reviewed a few months ago, has, we are glad to see, reached a sixth edition —In Natures Wyrkshop. By Grant Allen. (G. Newnes. 8s. 6d.)