Booxs RECEIVED.—George Morland's Pictures : their Present Possessors, with Details
of the Collections By Ralph Richardson. (Elliot Stock.)—A Biography of the Works of William Morris. By Temple Scott. (G. Bell and Sons.)—Cassell's Guide to London. (Cassell and Co.)—The London Handbook, June, 1897 —May, 1898. (Grosvenor Press).—Described on the title-page as "an annual review, calendar, and souvenir of the Metropolis, its sights, attractions, and events, for all English-speaking people."
The Theatrical World of 1836. By William Archer. (Walter Scott.)—Mr. Archer gives an introduction "On the Need for an Endowed Theatre," and H. G. Hibbert "A Synopsis of Play-Bills of the Year."—Year-Book of Scientific and Learned Societies, compiled from official sources (C. Griffin and Co.), giving, besides information as to membership, subscriptions, &c., "a list of papers read during the year 1896, with their authors. "—A Bibliography of the Bank of England. By T. A. Stephens. (Effingham Wilson and Co.)—Mining in the Victorian Era. By C. M. Percy. (Wall and Sons, Wigan.)—" A Popular Record of Coal-Mining Progress from 1837 to 1896." The output of coal in 1837 was 30,000.000 tons, in 1896 195,361,260. This is a little more than a third of the total output of the world, which is 575,833,488 tons. The United States comes next with 172,426,366, and Germany third with 104,377,873; France lags far behind with 27,459,689.— Monopolies by Patents, by J. W. Gordon (Stevens and Sons), and, adds the title-page, " Statutable Remedies Available to the Public."—Law of Motor Cars, Hackney Carriages, 4^c. (Stevens and Sons.)—An Outline of the Law of Libel. By W. Blake Odgers. (Macmillan and Co.)—Dynamos and Electric Motors : How to Make and Run Them. By Paul N. Hasluck. (Cassell and Co.)