The Wise And The Wayward. By G. S. Street. (j.
Lane.) — This is a " society " story, very clever and very depressing. We are introduced in the first chapter to two worthies of the older generation.—" old Mrs. Rowe, of......
Indian Gup. By The Rev. J. R. Baldwin. (neville Beeman.)
—Mr. Baldwin was appointed to an Indian chaplaincy in the May of the year of Mutiny, 1857, and received orders to sail on September 4th. It was a time when such an appointment......
Charles De Brosses (1709-1778) Was A Native Of Dijon, A
man of some distinction in civil life, rising in the end to be President of the Burgundian Parliament. His tastes were of the scholarly kind. But of the many books which he......
The Chest Of Opium. By Mr. M—. (neville Beeman.)—this Is
a tale of murder in China. It wants close following, for without this it loses coherence; with it the reader finds it to be a careful study, not unlike the work of Edgar Allan......
The Queen's Mu. By G. A. Henty. 3 Vols. (chatto
and Windus.) —This is not the usual form in which we are accustomed to see Mr. Henty's stories. Somehow The Queen's Cup does not look quite up to his average in this somewhat......
Lady Levallien. By George Widdrington. (henry And Co.)—...
one of the stories which appear insoluble enigmas to a critic who accepts the usual views of the use of literature. What pos- sible end can they serve ? They are not beautiful;......
New Enrrions. — Lives Of The Saints. By The Rev. S. Baring-
Gould, MA. Vol III. (March). (John C. Nimmo.)—Epietetus. 2 vols. (Arthur L. Humphreys.)—This is a reprint of George Long's translation, part, it will be remembered, of "Bohn's......
Booxs Received.—george Morland's Pictures : Their Present...
of the Collections By Ralph Richardson. (Elliot Stock.) — A Biography of the Works of William Morris. By Temple Scott. (G. Bell and Sons.) — Cassell's Guide to London. (Cassell......