Carfae Church, Oxford. By The Rev. Carteret J. H. Fletcher.
(B. H. Blackwell, Oxford.)—Mr. Fletcher was the last rector of Carfax, which, after an existence of at least five hundred years —we are speaking of the ecclesiastical entity,......
In "allen's Naturalist's Library," Edited By R. Bowdler...
(W. H. Allen and Co.), we have A Handbook to the Game- Birds, by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Vol. II. First in the contents comes a second division of the pheasants, containing two......
Corralies Bushranger. By E. W. Hornung. (neville Beeman.)...
of the "New Vagabond Library" is good reading. Mr. Hornung has made the bush and the bushranger his province, just as Mr. Stanley Weyman has appropriated the France of Mazarin......
The Garden Of Time. By Mrs. Davidson Of Tulloch. (jarrold
and Sons.)—When Daffodil says to 'Koko,' the black poodle, "What is it you are looking at ?" and ' Koko ' replies, "I am watching the Minutes and the Hours as they fly past," we......
The Romance Of A King's Life. By J. J. Jusserand.
(T. Fisher Unwin.)—The " King " is the first James of Scotland, the " romance " begins with the view which the Royal prisoner caught of Jane Beaufort from the window of his......
Modern Palestine. By The Rev. John Dimond. (oliphant,...
Ferrier.)—This is a pleasant, practical, common- sense book, the tone of which contrasts, one might say, with its sub-title, "The Need of a New Crusade." Mr. Lamond was much......
Glimpses Of Life In, Bermuda And The Tropics. By Margaret
Newton. (Digby, Long, and Co.)—Women as a rule write in- finitely better books of travel than men, because they prepare them with the easy carelessness with which they write......
Richard Cameron. By John Herkless. (oliphant, Anderson,...
who knows anything of Scottish Church history has heard of the Cameronians ; but how few could say how they got the name ! It was not of their own choosing ; they dis- claimed......
Alone In China. By Julian Ralph. (osgood, Mcilvaine, And...
author of this extremely clever and interesting volume visited China while it was at war with Japan, and published a longish descriptive article entitled "House-Boating in......