The Story Of A Duckling.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 &n,—I had a setting of wild duck's eggs sent me, but not having a hen of my own willing to sit, I borrowed one from a neighbour. This hen,......
Poor Benefices V. Poor Clergy.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you permit a word from a somewhat different point of view on the "poor benefice" as distinct from the "poor parson" question ? One......
THE TURK, THE PERSIAN, AND THE SLAV.* Tam is one of the most interesting books of travel we have read for a long time. The region covered is unhackneyed, and in many parts but......
Buildings In India.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Sracrezon.") &a,—Your paper occasionally contains statements with regard to India which make me wonder who your informant can be. For example, with regard......
OHNE EAST, OHNE RAST. FLOW on, little life, flow, flow! What if the sun gleam not in thy face, And clouds hang dark in the sky for a spaoe And bitter winds blow? Little life,......