"DRAB COLONEL PoLLocx,—Knowing that you must still take an interest
in the welfare and movements of your ' boys ' of the S.E.C., I thought I might venture to acquaint you with the history of our dear lad E-- to whom you showed much kindness during the six months he was with you and Lieut. Walsh. Soon after leaving Hounslow he went out to Sydney, N.S.W., to his uncle, Dr. —, and then moved on to a sheep station where he enjoyed to his heart's content the open-air life, made all the happier by his horse, dog, and gun. Later on his uncle tried to get him into an engineering works in Sydney, but there was no vacancy. Just then he came across a Sergeant-Instructor of the Artillery who painted the joys and possibilities of the Army life in such glowing colours that E—, with the full approval of his uncle, was induced to join. We received his first letter from — Barracks, —, Sydney, N.S.W., to-day, and he writes cheerily and enthusiasti- cally. He says the training he received in the S.E.C. is of great benefit to him. He has forgotten nothing. I have sent out to him the certificate you gave him at the end of his course. He receives 17s. 6d. per week and all found. At present from 5.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. his time seems to be filled with parades and gym- nasium! After 3.30 he is free, so can put in a good deal of his time at the doctor's. He has great hopes of obtaining a com- mission in comparatively short time (about two years), but for this he must be coached and pass an exam. I shall, of course, help him in this to the utmost of my ability E— has developed wonderfully since he was with you, and I attribute much of this to your efforts. I never cease to give thanks for the training E— received in the S.E.C. It made a man of him He will be 21 years of age on the 25th of this month. He stands about 6 ft. Sin, and broad in proportion, and, best of all, he is steady and good. He told me that seven men offered at the same time as he, and he was the only one accepted ! It would, I am sure, give E— great delight to have a letter from you —Believe me, yours faithfully,