Mr. Kipling On The Lif.anttfaot1tre Of Indian Anarchists.
[To ma EDITOR ON ma SPECTATOR:9 Sra,—May I add to " X.'s" reference in your last issue to "Mr. Kipling on the Manufacture of Indian Anarchists" the following extract from "H.......
Public School Emigration League For Girls.
LTO THE EDITOR OP THE "SracrAmos.'1 SIR,—The Public School Emigration League for Boys has suggested to me the advisability of a corresponding move- ment for girls. As a mistress......
The "feudal Screw."
[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SFECTIT01.1 Sin,—A friend has just sent me extracts from the Spectator for March 5th, including a letter from the Rev. T. Nightingale, in which he makes a......
The "spectator" Experimental Company.
[To TEN EDITOZ Or THE "SPECTATOR...1 SIB,—The two following letters addressed to Colonel Pollock, and relating the histories of two members of the Spectator Experimental......
The Dial Of King Ahaz.
fT0 THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—The explanation of the sign given to King Hezekiah pointed out by " Traveller " in your issue of February 19th has been anticipated.......
[to Tim Editor Of Trh "spectator."] Sir,—we Regret Very Much
the necessity of asking you to insert another letter, but it is impossible for us to allow the statements of Mr. Nightingale (which have appeared in your issue of the 19th......
The Flight Of The Dalai Lama [to The Editor Op
THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am obliged to Sir E. Satow for pointing out my mistake; but the authorities quoted in my last letter state more or less explicitly that Tibet has failed......