On Tuesday Mr. Asquith Revealed The Cache Which We...
a fortnight ago might be found in his speech of February 28th. In answer to a question from Mr. Austen Chamberlain, the Prime Minister pointed out that he had said that "the......
Mr. Lloyd George Pointed To The Deer Forests Of Scotland
as another instance of feudal tyranny, scores of thousands of industrious, thrifty, happy crofting families having been swept away to provide a few weeks' pleasure every year......
Mr. Lloyd George Then Proceeded To Give Further Instances Of
intimidation and oppression from Wales, where until 1868 the vote went with the letting of the land according to the politics of the landlord. A tenant farmer then led the......
Lord Avebury Presided At A Meeting Of The City Of
London Free-Trade Committee on Monday, and made an excellent speech. The doubling of our exports between 1880-1907 did not necessarily prove that Free-trade was right, but it......
The Oxford And Cambridge Boat-race Was Won Rather Easily By
Oxford on Wednesday. A good stroke must be born, not made, and Oxford has such a stroke in Mr. Bourne, who knows instinctively when he can safely rally his crew, when he must......
At A Special General Meeting Of The Unionist Free-trade Club
held at the Westminster Palace Hotel on Monday, Lord Cromer presiding, it was resolved, in view of the divergence of opinion amongst members as to the relative importance of......
Mr. Lloyd George Addressed The Inaugural Meeting Of The...
League on Wednesday in his now familiar extra.. Parliamentary manner. Real progress in this country, he declared, was barred in every direction by the feudal power. "Feudalism......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
March 17th. Consols (2i) were on Thursday 81—Friday week 811. Bank Rate, 4 per cent., changed from 3 per cent. March 17th. Consols (2i) were on Thursday 81—Friday week 811.......