B Will Be Seen From The Wording Of These Resolutions
that if they are adopted we shall have, as we have pointed out elsewhere, single-Chamber government except for the fact that the House of Lords, as long as the first of the......
The Second And Third Resolutions Deal With Ordinary...
quote them verbatim :— "(2) That it is expedient that the powers of the House of Lords, as respects Bills other than Money Bills, be restricted by law, so that any such Bill......
Why Should We Expect That This Revolutionary Process Will...
be continued, and that after the House of Commons has been given the power to pass any measure it likes within two years, it should not make use of ill powers to change the......
Remember That, Quite Apart From These Objections, The Use Of
the Speaker to decide, not merely House of Commons matters, but Constitutional disputes, must in the end degrade the Speakership. The party politicians will feel that they must......
Bad And Dangerous As Are The Resolutions In Themselves,...
the worst thing about them is a matter of omission rather than of commission. We deal with Mr. Asquith's cynical explanation of the use of the word "it" in another paragraph,......
The Effect Of This Resolution Is Quite Clear. Not Only
is the House of Commons henceforth to be able, without any check or limitation whatever, to impose any taxes and appropriate any moneys it desires, but there is to be no......
News Of The Week.
MHE chief event of the week has been the publication on Monday of the text of the Government Resolutions in regard to the relations between the two Houses. They will be......