M. Lepine, the Prefect of Police, speaking in the Municipal
Council of Paris on Monday, described the growing insolence of the apaches or "hooligans." The result of turning them out of one quarter is that they have taken refuge in another. The hotel-keepers in certain low districts are accomplices of the apaches, and the Times correspondent says that it is quite a common thing for an apache to leave his burglar's tools or his pistol with the hotel-keeper while be takes a stroll in the streets. M. Le-pine expressed his disbelief in the utility of rafles, or "drives,"—the wholesale arrest of suspected characters at a given moment. He said, according to the correspondent :---" The humanitarian movement which for some years had been prevalent in France is now beginning to
produce a certain effect Excessive philanthropy is dangerous. If Paris is not protected it will become a haunt of cut-throats." The Municipal Council was evidently impressed by M. Lepine's words, and an immediate increase of the police was voted.