Revised Version of the New Testament with Puller References. (Cambridge
University Press. 6s. net.)—This supplement to the Revised Version has been long in appearing. As long ago as 1873 the work of preparing the fuller references was committed to Drs. Scrivener and Moulton. For causes which need not be detailed publication was delayed. It is now given to the werld under the auspices of Dr. James Hope Moulton, son of one of the original editors, and Dr. A. W. Greenup, who had the advantage of being one of his pupils. The compensation for the delay is the completion of the whole on the same scale. One feature is worthy of special notice. The study of the mutual relation of the Synoptic Gospels is assisted by distinguishing the longer Synoptic parallels by larger type. Looking again at the recommendations of the American Revisers, we cannot but wonder how long we are to go on affirming that the Epistle to the Hebrews was written by St. Paul, or using the misleading word "penny" when a " shilling " is meant, or when, as in the story of the tribute money, it is obvious that the word denarius should be given.