An astounding number of rumours are afloat as to the
action of foreign Powers in view of the changes in France, but there is little authentic information. It is stated that the garrison of Alsace- Lorraine is to be increased, that Italy dreads an attack, that the Pope is delighted, and that the British Government proposes an alliance with France against Russia, Germany, and Italy. Much of all this must be nonsense. What appears to be true is that Prince Bismarck is not pleased, the Provincial Correspondenz intimating distrust of the pacific intentions of the new Ministry ; that the Italian Premier has said in Parliament that the event would increase the need of watchfulness ; that the Pope has counselled modera- tion to the French Bishops ; and that the British Government has done nothing whatever, Coups d'jtat do not attract evenTories here. It is more than probable that all Courts are slightly alarmed, any prospect of confusion in France embarrassing their policies, but any interference which would enable and almost compel Marshal Madahon to assume a military dictatorship is to the last degree unlikely. It should be noted that the French Funds, which would decline heavily at the prospect of war, have, on the contrary, slightly risen.