The Sportsman's And Tourist's Guide To The Rivers, Lochs,...
Shootings of Scotland. May. Edited by J. Watson Lyall. (The Office, 52 Fleet Street.)—This is a useful guide, published monthly during the season, which many whose thoughts are......
- Science Lectures At South Kensington. "photography," By...
R.E., F.R.S. ; "Kinematic Models," by Professor Kennedy, C.E. ; "Sound and Music," by Dr. W. H. Stone. (Macmillan and Co.) —Last year's loan exhibition in South Kensington has......
Sibylles Story. By Octave Feuillet. Translated By...
Tinsley:)—This novel seems to be a specimen of a French religious story. To read it certainly makes one more content with our own native products. Sibylle is a very wonderful......
The Story Of The Fuh-kien Mission Of The Church Missionary
Society. By Eugene Stock. (Seeleys.)—"Fuh-kien" or " Fo-kion " is a pro- vince of Eastern China, .about opposite the island of Formosa. It contains a population of about......
Passages For Practice In Translation At Sight. Selected...
by James S. Reid. Part I., Latin. (Daldy, Isbister, and Co.) A Hand- book of Translation front the Latin, Greek, French, and German Lan- guages. (Stanford.)—Theee books have the......
Leaving Us An Example. (published For The Author, By...
Potter, and Galpin.)—The argument in this book starts from the testimony borne by John Stuart Mill to the pre-eminent genius of Jesus of Nazareth and the moral grandeur of his......