An Analogy.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—There are so many curious analogies between the war now going on on the Danube, and that which was waged fifteen years ago on the......
A Clever Dog.
[TO THE EDITOR OR THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some time ago I sent you my recollections of a dog who knew a halfpenny from a penny, and who could count up as far as two. I have been......
THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. [SECOND NOTICE.] WE concluded our last week's notice of the pictures in this ex- hibition with the mention of the works of Mr. Burne Jones, and we will......
The County Franchise Demonstration. (to The Editor Of The...
Sur,—You tell the agricultural labourers that in order to succeed, they must enlist the support of their brethren in the towns. Per- mit me to say that this is exactly what they......