The Only Secession As Yet Resulting From The Ridsdale...
has been, oddly enough, the secession of an Evangelical. The Rev. Dr. Gregg, Vicar of East Harborne, who gave his parish- ioners to know some years ago that he was unhappy at......
Dr. Pusey Has Been Asked For His Opinion As To
the duty of Ritualist clergymen in relation to the Ridsdale Judgment, and his reply so far shows embarrassment, that he is evidently in- clined, but rather ashamed, to say that......
The " Annexation " Of The Transvaal Appears To Have
been accomplished very easily. Sir T. Shepstone, after issuing his pro- clamation, appointed himself, under authority from the Queen, Administrator of the State, abolished the......
Lord Salisbury Has Approved Lord Lytton's Censure Upon...
Court of Allahabad for not punishing the magistrate, Mr. Leeds, who inflicted so light a sentence on Mr. Fuller for striking his groom a blow which was followed by, though it......
What Is The Matter With Mr. Bright, That After Making
the first and almost only speech of his life in the slightest degree favourable to war, as he did at Birmingham not so many months ago, on the Eastern Question, he is now so......
The Division On The Earl Of Harrowby's Amendment To The
Government Burials Bill shows that the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the Bishop of Exeter, and the Bishop of Oxford voted for Lord Harrowby's amendment, while eleven bishops voted......
1re Fear We Last Week Misquoted Mr. Gladstone's °biter...
on the property of the Church of England. He estimated it at £90,000,000, which she would carry away with her if disestablished according to the plan followed with regard to the......
Speeches On Education Are, We Suppose, Useful, But They Are
becoming very tiresome. The speakers never suggest anything new, and seldom point out any possible improvement in methods. Even Lord Coleridge's eloquence fails to make the......