Sociological Papers. Vol. II. By Francis Galton and Others. (Macmillan
and Co. 10s. 6d.)—This is the second issue of the Proceedings of the Sociological Society. It contains papers read at the meetings of the Society and reports of the subsequent dis- cussions. Among these papers are to be found one by Mr. Francis Galton on "Restrictions in Marriage," a subject which evidently excited a great amount of interest, the contributions to the discussion, verbal and written, being far more numerous than we find anywhere else; "The School in Some of its Relations to Social Organisation and to National Life," by Professor M. E. Sadler; and " The Influence of Magic on Social Relationships," by Dr. E. Westermarck, a most remarkable collection of facts on one aspect of primitive and savage life. The subjects discussed are far too large for treatment in these columns ; but we gladly take the opportunity of giving what publicity we can to the existence of the Society and to the work which it undertakes. Here we have, indeed, Socialism in excelsis.