[to Thii Editor 0/1 , N Sprotiltor.1 Sie, — .yor Are...
bring about a moderate settlement of the religious controversy, and it is lamentable that, to all appearance, you are going to fail in achieving a final settlement. The reason......
Undenominational Teaching In Carmarthenshire.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—I think that you ought to know the following par- ticulars with respect to the Council schools of Carmarthen , . shire :— Early in the......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury On Undenominational Teaching.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' SIE,•—•You say in last week's . Spectator that the best answer to your correspondent " Fair Play " is to quote once more certain much-quoted......
The Education Bill And Religious Tests.
rTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEcraTou."] Snt,—In an editorial note to a letter from Mr. Athelstan Riley in last week's Spectator you say that you hold it is the business of the......
[to The Editor Op Tes " S2ectator."] Sie,—the Archdeacon Of
Lindisfarne in his letter in your last issue says : "If the authority see fit, they can teach in [provided] schools the Apostles' Creed. That Creed is, within the meaning of the......