The Significance Of The Treaty With King Leopold, As...
of the Congo State, recently signed by Sir Edward Grey, is well brought out in • an admirable article in Tues- day's Daily Chronicle. The British "sphere, of influence" on the......
The Second Ballot For The French Chamber Took Place Last
Sunday in one hundred and fifty-four constituencies, thirteen in Paris and one hundred and forty-one in the country. In Paris, to the surprise of most people, the......
News Of The Week.
O N Thursday Princess Ena left England for Spain. The King is to meet her on the frontier and conduct her to his capital. A. Royal marriage has seldom proved more interesting to......
Last Saturday The German Reichstag Passed The Finances...
This meagre has undergone many changes in Committee, and in its final form is very different from the bold scheifle introduced last November. The least controversial detail is......
In The German Reichstag On Wednesday Herr Bassermann, The...
of the National Liberals, opened an instructive debate on foreign policy. He criticised with great frankness Germany's recent conduct, including the Emperor's telegram to Count......
The Russian Duma Has Conducted Itself Throughout The...
remarkable discretion. On Friday week the Address was agreed to, with certain amendments. On the land question the Deputies were unanimous in favour of expropriation, as against......