The Significance Of The Treaty With King Leopold, As...
of the Congo State, recently signed by Sir Edward Grey, is well brought out in • an admirable article in Tues- day's Daily Chronicle. The British "sphere, of influence" on the......
As We Have Pointed Out Elsewhere, Mr. Balfour's Willing-...
to support Mr. Chamberlain means the abandon- ment of a principle to which we, at any rate, attach the very greatest possible value,—the principle that the State ought to......
A General Assembly Of The French Bishops Is Fixed For
the 30th inst., at which the Pope will submit to them the question whether it is desirable to accept the associations cultuelles provided by the Separation Law or not. Judging......
The Debates In The Committee Stage Of The Education Bill
have been dragging their' slow length along throughout the week. On. Monday nothing very important took place, but on Tuesday the House dealt with the proposal, advocated by us,......
At The End Of Tuesday's Debate Mr. Chamberlain Proposed To
amend Mr. Maddison's amendment that religious instruction should not be given in transferred schools in school hours, or at the public expense, by leaving out the words......
The Debate On Tuesday Evening Was Memorable Owing To The
excellent speech made by Mr. Lough against Mr. Maddison's amendment in favour of secularisation, For himself, he deplored Gambetta's phrase that " Clericalism is the enemy." How......
The Formal_ Invitations To The Next Colonial Conference...
issued for April 15th, 1907. A Blue-book published on Tuesday contains a circular despatch by Lord Elgin to the different Colonies dealing with the agenda for the next meeting.......