The National Unionist Association, at its annual Conference in Liverpool
on Thursday, November 17th, discussed the Irish question at length. "Colonel Gretton moved a resolution declaring :- " That no settlement of tho Irish question would be acceptable which does not absolutely respect the position acquired by Ulster and does not provide every safeguard that is essential for our Imperial security and the protection of tho Loyalists in the South and West of Ireland."
This was rejected in favour of an amendment, moved by Sir Archibald Salvidge, which expressed the " earnest hope that, consistently with the supremacy of the Crown, the security of the Empire and the pledges given to Ulster and the safeguarding of the interests of the minority in the South of Ireland, a solution of the Irish difficulties may be found in the Conference now in progress."
The Unionist delegates, on a show of hands, decided to express a pious hope that the Government would not betray Ulster rather than to declare that the Government must not do so.