Stories For Boys.
Ma. PERCY F. Wnsrsamax has written an exciting story of a modern pirate, entitled The Third Officer (Blackie. 6s. net). The pirate is an ex-Russian cruiser commanded by South......
Poets And Poetry, The Island Of Youth.*
I THINK if a lover of the classics came to me, or a man who read Milton, Keats and Wordsworth and loved beauty and " th e grand style," and told me that he desired to add the......
Gift - Books.
ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND REPRINTS. j.traszEsn court life in the eleventh century is attractively described in Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan, translated by Annie Shipley......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column doer 710i nectssardj preclude eubseluent reo:ce.] The Next Step : a Family Basic Income. By A. B. Piddington (Macmillan. ls. net.)—Mr. Piddington, the......