Weighed And Found Wanting. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR."] SIR,—If Mr. J. A. R. Marriott (M.P. for Oxford City) was correctly reported out here when he took part in a recent Colonial Office Debate, he raised an interesting......
The Case Of The Would-be Soldiers.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, We have recently celebrated the third anniversary of Armistice Day, and our thoughts have once more been turned to memories of the War......
Village Centres For Disabled Ex-service Men.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIII,—NOIT that the problem of the unemployed is to receive immediate consideration, may I be allowed to bring to the notice of your readers......
The Indians In Kenya.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sre,—Yort may add another blunder to the list of those com- mitted by the Colonial Office, on which you recently commented. A few weeks ago......