26 NOVEMBER 1921, page 1

News Of The Week.

qiiiE proceedings of the Washington Conference do not seem .1. wholly to justify the optimism which is generally expressed in the newspapers. We devoutly wish that it were......

Britain, As Though To Put Her Good Faith Beyond Doubt,

is really ahead of everybody in stopping her shipbuilding. Work on the four new battleships has been suspended. Of course, this has dealt a great blow at the yards, notably on......

As We Have Explained Elsewhere The First Thing, In Our

opinion, Is to get rid of the Japanese Treaty ; not because we have the least complaint to make against Japan, who has been a fair and loyal ally, but because the Treaty is in......

The Chief Events In The Washington Conference Since We Wrote

last week have been the statement issued by Japan and the speeches by M. Briand and Mr. Balfour. The Japanese state- ment demands that there shall be no international......

Mr. Balfour, Speaking Immediately After M. Briand, Said...

could be more useful and instructive than M. Briand's revelation of " the inner thoughts of French statesmanship." He was careful not to confirm all that M. Briand said, but, on......

M. Briand's Speech At The Conference Was Delivered On...

He said that Germany had still 7,000,000 men trained to arms, and a quarter of a million trained officers and non-commissioned officers. He could not help admiring the ingenuity......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......