East Carelia and Kola Lapmark. Described by Finnish Scientists and
Philologists, edited by Theodor Homen. (Long- mans. 21s. net.)—This scholarly book, written in good English and printed at Helsingfors, gives a detailed account of the Kola province on the Arctic Sea and of Eastern Carelia between the Finnish border and the White Sea—the country through which the Murman railway runs and in which a good many British soldiers had to spend dreary months before and after the Armistice. The inhabitants are mainly Finns, though they unfortunately remain under Bolshevik misrule. The object of the book is, however, less political than scientific. Finnish scholars have for the first time made a careful study of the natural and political conditions of these countries and of the people who retain their language and many of the mediaeval customs which have passed away in Finland itself. The book is very well illustrated with photographs and contains a number of good maps. Finland, as some readers may have failed to notice, now has, by the treaty of last year, a port on the Arctic between the Norwegian and the Russian frontiers.