The new Traffic Advisory Committee met for the . first
time last week and made a preliminary survey of some of the problems. Two large schemes in particular wcrc considered by it, and were apparently approved in principle. One was for a great new Thames. tunnel from a point immediately cast of Dartford to the new road at Purlicet. The construction of this tunnel would relieve, it is calculated, by one-third the traffic in the cast of London by enabling through traffic to avoid that congested area. The second scheme was for an extensive reconstruction of the Victoria Dock Road, which would involve the demolition of some 700 to 800 dwellinghouses, the construction of a bridge over the railway, and swing gates over the docks. This would relieve what is perhaps the worst of all the traffic jams in London. At the present level crossing at this point traffic is sometimes held up for as long as three-quarters of an hour.
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